CTFs Writeups#
In here I post the writeups of my favourites CTF challenges that I manage to solve.
As of now, my main goal is to verticalize my skills on the Web Security sector, as part of my affort to maybe, one day, join TeamItaly. Because of this goal of mine, i will not share writeups of challenges which I solved together with the team of srdnlen, as those are always a result of great group effort, rather than of a single person.
My main platforms for training in CTFs are:
- HackTheBox (mainly for challenges)
- TryHackMe (mainly for machines)
- OliCyber (to train on challenges very similar to those of the CyberChallenge finals)
- CyberChallenge
List of finished writeups:
HTB Why Lambda - Writeup
·1696 words